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COMI Worldwide The Group COMI is established in August 1973 with the aim of designing and producing thermoforming machinery, specifically for the refrigeration sector. After 50 years of activity, today COMI is a solid industrial reality, with more than 3.500 systems installed in over 50 countries all around the world, a top-level reference list and a brand among the most prestigious in its market. When the significant development abroad consolidated the company as a reference player in the refrigeration sector, the management decided to diversify its range of solutions through the expansion...
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Facts & Figures Employees/Angestellte among direct and indirect unter direkten und indirekten Subsidiaries/ Ausländische abroad im Ausland of Sales/Verkäufe from international markets in internationalen Märkten Proprietary/ Proprietäre technologies Technologien Manufacturing/ Produktionsstandorte facilities in Italy in Italien Milion/ Millionen euro revenues Euro-Umsatz Invested/ Investitionen constantly in R&S ständig in FE Machines/ Maschinen installed globally global installiert
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Household Appliances Haushaltsgeräte Automotive Automobilindustrie Hydro-sanitary Wasser- und Sanitärbereich Aerospace Aerospace Marine Schiffbau Railway Schienenfahrzeugbau
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“The strong know-how of TechMill TechMill is a division of COMI Group which offers a complete range of CNC machining centers for machining of a wide range of materials. TechMill ist ein Geschäftsbereich der COMIGruppe, die eine komplette Palette von CNCBearbeitungszentren für die Bearbeitung einer Vielzahl von Materialien anbietet. Labor ist die Linie von Bearbeitungszentren, die sich der Verarbeitung von Kunststoffen, Glasfasern, Kohlenstofffasern, Verbundwerkstoffen bis hin zu Aluminium und Leichtmetallen widmen. Ventor ist die Linie von Hochleistungsfräszentren für die Metallbearbeitung,...
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LaborMix is a 5 interpolated axis milling center specifically designed for the machining of plastic and composite materials. Equipped with working head with spindle at two opposite exits or four independent spindle head, it is the best solution for three-dimensional trimming of thermoformed parts. With working head with spindle and automatic toolchanger, it is instead widely used for the machining of small resin and wood models. LaborMix allows to achieve very high productivity results and quality in trimming operations, with modeling capability. LaborMix ist ein...
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LaborMax is an extremely versatile working center capable to satisfy the milling requirements on a wide variety of materials, with characteristics which made it the best solution for composite materials working operations. Available in several standard dimensions and versions, with fixed, rotary (pallet changer) or extractable tables, with different power working head, with linear or rotary tool magazines. LaborMax is distinguishing for the great versatility, the wide possibility to furthermore complete the machine with auxiliary devices, the stiffness of the structure, for whole technical...
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LaborMac is a 5-axis machining center specifically developed to optimize the machining of molds and parts in aluminum and composite. The extreme rigidity provided by the monolithic structure with Gantry type mobile portal on the Y axis, significantly limits the vibrations helping to achieve very good quality even at high speeds. LaborMac version “C” offers instead high performance in modeling and trimming of composite materials and resins, can be equipped with Oil Mist and suction hood for dust extraction. The version “A“, dedicated to aluminum machining, is equipped with a working head of...
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LaborMidi has been specifically designed to machine aluminum, policarbonate and technical polymers. Its “open” configuration with mobile bridge allows a wide access from the 2 sides of the machine, but also allows to be used in totally automated production systems which require automatic loading/unloading by robotized devices. Available in the 3 and 5 axes version, it can be equipped with a wide range of accessories according to customer needs. LaborMidi is an effective solution for panel machining with a very good quality/price ratio, extremely easy to install and introduce in the...
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LaborShape is a 5 axis machining center specifically designed for high speed machining on aluminum and light alloys. Compact dimensions and extremely rigid monolithic structure, axis displacement with recirculating ball screws and magnetic linear guides to ensure the best accuracy, working head with torque motors are the main technical features which makes this model the best solution for high chip removal. LaborShape is the best answer to the working requirements for mould in aluminum or light alloys, whereas accuracy and quality of finishing are requested. LaborShape ist ein...
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LaborWind is the family of machining centers designed for those applications requiring the biggest working area, especially for the vertical “Z” axis. The mobile crossbeam, “suspended” on lateral steel or reinforced concrete structures, allows to cover very large working areas without overload the basic structure of the machine. Available with various spindle power and tool magazine configurations, with longer longitudinal axis strokes versions the machine can also be supplied with double mobile crossbeam and independent working unit, thus to double the production capacity. LaborWind is the...
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LaborMarine allows to have an appropriate working area for large dimension parts milling, ensuring at the same time the maximum machine accessibility for loading/unloading operations. Although these are typical requirements of the marine sector model manufacturers, today this machine is particularly appreciated also from the foundry model makers. LaborMarine bietet einen geeigneten Arbeitsbereich für das Fräsen von Teilen mit großen Abmessungen und gewährleistet gleichzeitig die maximale Zugänglichkeit der Maschine für Be- und Entladevorgänge. Obwohl dies typische Anforderungen der...
Katalog auf Seite 13 öffnenAlle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von COMI GROUP
40 Seiten
16 Seiten
Institutional Catalog
64 Seiten
8 Seiten
Milling Turning Grinding
12 Seiten
COMI Presses - Product Range
1 Seiten
LaborShape 5 axis milling center
8 Seiten
LaborMax 5 axis milling center
8 Seiten
LaborMix 5 axis milling center
8 Seiten
Composite GMT Series
1 Seiten
1 Seiten