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COMI Worldwide The Group COMI is established in August 1973 with the aim of designing and producing thermoforming machinery, specifically for the refrigeration sector. After 50 years of activity, today COMI is a solid industrial reality, with more than 3.500 systems installed in over 50 countries all around the world, a top-level reference list and a brand among the most prestigious in its market. When the significant development abroad consolidated the company as a reference player in the refrigeration sector, the management decided to diversify its range of solutions through the expansion...

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Facts & Figures among direct and indirect zwischen direkt und indirekt Subsidiaries/Niederlassungen abroad im Ausland of Sales/des Umsatzes from international markets aus dem Export Proprietary/ Technologie technologies Eigenentwicklungen Manufacturing/ Produktion facilities in Italy Standorte in Italien Milion/Milionen euro revenues EURO Umsatz Invested/ Invest constantly in R&S in F&E Machines/Anlagen installed globally weltweit installierte Anlagen

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Household Appliances Haushaltsgeräte Automotive Automobil Hydro-sanitary Hydro-sanitär Aerospace Luft- und Raumfahrt Marine Marine Railway Eisenbahn

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AMUT-COMI has been created by merging AMUT Thermoforming Division and COMI division for packaging thermoforming machines. AMUT S.p.A. is a historical Italian company specialised in plastics processing plants and foil thermoforming machines. COMI S.p.A. has been active since the 1970s as a leading company in the production of thermoforming machines for the white goods industry and for the packaging industry following the acquisition of the Italian CBM Moretti. AMUT-COMI is the union of technological and innovation know-how for the thermoforming of items for packaging. AMUT-COMI ist aus der...

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EASY is the software that understands the data set by the operator and processes them proposing optimized solutions. EASY als software versteht die vom Bediener eingegebenen Daten und verarbeitet sie, um optimierte Lösungen vorzuschlagen. • Automatic adjustment of the parameters of the cycle based on the set speed. • Optimized diagnostic with information for research and fully independent solution of the problems. • Monitor displaying of I/O PLC cards. • Automatic check of the set parameters refusing data that are not compatible with the predefined cycle. • Detailed pie chart of all...

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ACF SERIES /FORMING & CUTTING SERIE ACF /FORMUNG & SCHNEIDEN Machines suitable for the production of trays, plates, lids, containers, flowerpots in thermoplastic material, such as BOPS, PP, PLA, rPET, APET, CPET, HIPS, EPS, PVC and barrier. High flexibility and advanced technology for small and large outputs, with cost-effective moulds. Anlagen für die Herstellung von Schalen, Tellern, Deckeln, Behältern, Blumentöpfen aus thermoplastischem Material wie BOPS, PP, PLA, rPET, APET, CPET, HIPS, EPS, PVC und Barrierematerialien. Hohe Flexibilität und fortschrittliche Technologie für kleine und...

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AMP SERIES /IN-MOULD FORMING & SERIE AMP /IN-MOULD FORMUNG & Machines suitable for processing products in HIPS, PP, A-PET, R-PET, PLA and barrier material that require very high quality and dimensional accuracy. GPPS with in-line thermoforming process. These machines are therefore properly suitable to deliver containers and cups intended to be used in vending machines, filling and packaging lines. Maschinen für die Verarbeitung von Produkten aus HIPS, PP, A-PET, R-PET, PLA und Barrierematerial, die eine sehr hohe Qualität und Maßhaltigkeit erfordern. GPPS mit Inline-Tiefziehverfahren. Diese...

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FTV SERIES /IN-MOULD FORMING & TRIMMING SERIE FTV /IN-MOULD FORMUNG & TRIMMING Machines suitable for processing products in HIPS, PP, A-PET, R-PET, PLA and barrier material that require very high quality and dimensional accuracy. GPPS with in-line thermoforming process. These machines are therefore properly suitable to deliver containers, trays and cups intended to be used in vending machines, filling and packaging lines. Maschinen für die Verarbeitung von Produkten aus HIPS, PP, A-PET, R-PET, PLA und Barrierematerial, die eine sehr hohe Qualität und Maßhaltigkeit erfordern. GPPS mit...

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PA 1000 / IN-MOULD FORMING & TRIMMING PA980Q-VP / IN-MOULD FORMING & CUTTING High capacity machines for the production of plates, trays and shallow products. Two configurations are available: PA1000 Forming and trimming in the same station and integrated stacking in the lower part of the mould. Suitable for HIPS articles, because of vacuum forming. PA980Q-VP Forming and steel rule cutting in the same station and stacking station. Suitable for articles in PP, HIPS, A-PET, R-PET, PLA and barrier materials, because of vacuum and air pressure forming. PA 1000 / IN-MOULD FORMUNG & TRIMMING...

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GLE SERIES /FORMING & SEPARATE TRIMMING Machines properly designed for the production of HIPS disposable and vending cups. Forming with vertical-movement mould and trimming with horizontally driven press machine. In-line configuration with feeding of the foil directly from the extruder head to the forming station. Energy saving technology based on the absence of heating panels. SERIE GLE /FORMUNG & SEPARATES TRIMMING Maschinen, die für die Herstellung von HIPSEinweg- und Verkaufsbechern geeignet sind. Formung mit vertikal bewegter Form und Beschneidung mit horizontal angetriebener...

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IN-LINE SYSTEMS AND TURN-KEY PROJECTS INLINE-SYSTEME UND SCHLÜSSELFERTIGE PROJEKTE AMUT-COMI together with AMUT supply complete in-line thermoforming plants. AMUT-COMI liefert zusammen mit AMUT komplette Inline-Tiefziehanlagen. Advantages: • Low energy consumption (the plastic material requires less energy to reach the thermoforming temperature) • Instant control of the film quality and, consequently, of the finished article • Closed loop processing of the thermoforming skeleton • Constant quality control even after changing some extrusion and thermoforming parameters • Best performances in...

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Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von COMI GROUP


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