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COMI Worldwide The Group COMI is established in August 1973 with the aim of designing and producing thermoforming machinery, specifically for the refrigeration sector. After 50 years of activity, today COMI is a solid industrial reality, with more than 3.500 systems installed in over 50 countries all around the world, a top-level reference list and a brand among the most prestigious in its market. When the significant development abroad consolidated the company as a reference player in the refrigeration sector, the management decided to diversify its range of solutions through the expansion...

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Facts & Figures Employees/Angestellte among direct and indirect unter direkten und indirekten Subsidiaries/ Ausländische abroad im Ausland of Sales/Verkäufe from international markets in internationalen Märkten Proprietary/ Proprietäre technologies Technologien Manufacturing/ Produktionsstandorte facilities in Italy in Italien Milion/ Millionen euro revenues Euro-Umsatz Invested/ Investitionen constantly in R&S ständig in FE Machines/ Maschinen installed globally global installiert

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Household Appliances Haushaltsgeräte Automotive Automobilindustrie Hydro-sanitary Wasser- und sanitärbereich Aerospace Luft- Raumfahrt Marine Schiffbau Railway Schienenfahrzeugbau

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“Our expertise in specialised machines and in robotics also “Unsere ausgewiesene Kompetenz für Spezialmaschinen TechMill is a division of COMI Group which offers a complete range of Water Jet machining centers for machining of a wide range of materials. The company has always been able to adapt to the changes in customer needs and to the Water Jet cutting market. The design, production and installation of the machinery is tailored to meet customer needs, studying technical solutions for the continuous improvement of productivity and 360 ° customization. Each machine is a suit tailored to...

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COMI, leader in design and manufacture of Water Jet Cutting Centre, presents its new generation of table type “WJA II” 3, 4 or 5 axis. Heart of COMI range, it is compatible with all the options and can evolve in time! The machine is driven by a latest generation CNC FANUC (No.1 Global) allowing ease of use and offering a previously unequalled level of Reliability and Precision. The very high pressure water supply (4,000bar – 6,200bar), is supplied by a BFT pump (European No. 1) or KMT (No.1 Global). The Human/Machine interface is customizable, like the CNC it is fully programmed internally...

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FBJET III TYPE/WATERJET CUT COMI presents its 5-axes-“FBJET III” new generation machine. Open structure set up is concepted with a inox tank cantilever and all advanced technologies. Our Model has a remote arm and unique configuration for increased accessibility! The machine is driven by a latest generation CNC FANUC (No.1 Global) allowing ease of use and offering a previously unequalled level of Reliability and Precision. The very high pressure water supply (4000bar) is supplied by a BFT pump (European No. 1) “OEM” version, fully integrated into the machine frame. The Human/Machine...

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LCJET III-TYP/WASSERSTRAHLSCHNEIDEN COMI presents its High Precision Model, type“LCJET III”3 axes. The system is based on a homogenous and userfriendly assembly which uses all the current state-of-the-art techniques. The stainless steel and modular Housing + Chassis are well adapted to the teaching environment and environmental concerns in the workshop! The Human/Machine interface is customizable, like the CNC, it is fully programmed internally by our Design Office, and managed under Windows 10 PRO. The system is intended to operate autonomously. The equipment is very compact and uses only...

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Model / Modell- Automatic variation of the water level integrated to the machine tray (ballast) Niveauregulierung im Schneidtischh integriert (Ballast) Manual variation of the external water level tot the machine tray (external vessel - possible later installation) Manuelle Niveauregulierung (Externer Behälter - spätere Installation möglich) Axes strokes (X mm x Y mm x Z mm) Verfahrwege (X mm x Y mm x Z mm) Overall dimensions (X mm x Y mm) Abmessungen (X mm x Y mm) 5 Axis 3D head (Z=350mm) 5-Achsen 3D-Kopf (Z=350mm) 5 Axis head ACTIVE 2,5D (Z=200mm) aktiver 5-Achsen-Kopf 2,5 D (Z=200mm) Z...

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FBJet machine with vertical plate loading surface FBJet Maschine mit vertikaler Plattenbeladung WORKING HEADS

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WATER JET CUTTING PUMPS VERY HIGH PRESSURE SEHR HOHER DRUCK MULTIPLIER TYPE PUMPS VERFAHREN UND ANWENDUNGEN WASSERSTRAHLSCHNEIDEN PUMPEN VERY HIGH PRESSURE SEHR HOHER DRUCK MULTIPLIER TYPE PUMPS DRUCKÜBERSETZERPUMPEN High load rate, reliable, economical Hohe Lastrate, zuverlässig, wirtschaftlich High load rate, reliable, economical Hohe Laderate, zuverlässig, wirtschaftlich ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE ULTRA HOHER DRUCK MULTIPLIER TYPE PUMPS Projects requiring enhanced productivity and/or extreme materials and thickness Projekte, die eine höhere Produktivität erfordern und/oder extreme Materialien...

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WATER JET CUTTING PUMPS VERY HIGH PRESSURE SEHR HOHER DRUCK MULTIPLIER TYPE PUMPS DRUCKÜBERSETZERPUMPEN Unique variation range on the market from 100 bar to 4150 bar Einzigartiger Einstellbereich von 100 bar bis 4.150 bar auf dem Markt Brushless motor Bürstenloser Motor Power Saving Energiesparend Ideal for composites Ideal für Verbundwerkstoffe WASSERSTRAHLSCHNEIDEN PUMPEN HIGH PRESSURE HOCHDRUCK DIRECT ACTION TYPE PUMPS DIREKTANGETRIEBENEPUMPEN Maximum 3800 bar Maximal 3800bar Low load rate Niedrige Lastrate

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LABORMIX WATERJET LaborMix is a 5 interpolated axis milling center specifically designed for the machining of plastic and composite materials. Equipped with working head with spindle at two opposite exits or four independent spindle head, it is the best solution for three-dimensional trimming of thermoformed parts. With working head with spindle and automatic toolchanger, it is instead widely used for the machining of small resin and wood models. LaborMix allows to achieve very high productivity results and quality in trimming operations, with modeling capability. The structure can also be...

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Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von COMI GROUP

  1. thermogeformten

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