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Filtration - 2

Countless variables are involved in filtration. The media of filter, the type of particle to be separated, the filtration environment and desired throughput. Performance and cost are always taken into account when selecting the proper filter system and the filter media. Kunst oder Wissenschaft? Unzählige Variablen - das zu filtrierende Medium, die Art der zu trennenden Partikel, die Filtrationsumgebung und die gewünschten Abscheidegrade, Leistungen und Kosten - müssen für die Auswahl des richtigen Prozesses, des Filtersystems und des Filtermediums berücksichtigt werden. DDD Group of...

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Filtration - 3

The heart of a filter is the filter media  Woven wire cloth in dutch, twill and plain weaves from 2 - 5.000 µm. The classic filter media that is precise and economical  Sintered wire cloth laminates from 1 - 2.000 µm, in single or multiple layers, offer precise openings, high flow rates and a strong robust structure  Sandwich media (wire mesh with welded mesh support grid) from 40 - 5.000 µm, for strong high flow, low pressure drop applications Woven wire cloth Metallgewebe  Sintered metal fiber felt from 2 - 100 µm, pleatable with high structural stability, porosity and good dirt...

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Filtration - 4

DDD Filter elements Our cylindrical filter elements are made of strong sintered mesh laminate, pleated fiber felts or woven wire cloth. We construct our elements for the highest pressure differentials. End fittings are designed to match the filter systems. Our elements are used in thousands of applications. Oil & gas The worldwide customers in oil and gas completions are demanding in regards to filtration performance, corrosion resistance, and lifetime of filters. We supply high performance premium sand screen cartridges for light and heavy oil applications. Our “Premium Pro” Filter offers...

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Filtration - 5

Plastic melt filter The plastics and polymer industry requires many different filters to insure a clean melt stream. Our metal filters are engineered to fit all styles and types of melt pumps and screen changers. The end goal of our product is to insure the final quality of your product. The most common screen changers use single or multilayer wire cloth extruder screens. We produce these in round disks, rectangular or kidney shaped screens. The construction of the screen pack is critical to process performance and final product quality. Mesh combinations are carefully chosen to achieve a...

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Filtration - 6

DDD Stainless Steel Air Filter Heat exchangers, air conditioning units, open water cooling systems and high volume air intakes are protected against dirt and impurities such as pollen dust, and insects by installing the DDD Stainless Steel Air Filter. The Air Filter has several key features: low pressure drop, high flow rates and superior filtration performance. Our sandwich media in a corrugated construction, results in a very high strength filter media. Encapsulated in a robust stainless steel or plastic frame the filter can be easily installed, cleaned and serviced. Custom and standard...

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Filtration - 8

Dorstener Drahtwerke H.W. Brune & Co. GmbH Postfach 100 280 Marler Straße 109 D-46282 Dorsten Standorte Locations EKSI DORSTENER DRAHT

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Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von Dorstener Drahtwerke

  1. Mehr als Draht

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  2. Drahtgewebe

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  3. Schweißgitter

    12 Seiten

  4. basket

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