Katalog auf Seite 1 öffnenThe racking Kystem Dos Lagersystunn Raf Sistemi <^Ji\ <zJSUfJI COMPATTA 4s a hlgh-dBnstty sborage System wltf» racking mou-nted on mobile bases that run on ralts and atlow stoct tu- be accessed by openJng Just the relevant aisle. COMPATTA provides over 0% e*tna storaoe compared to a tradlbonalj frxed racking System In the same floor space. Et Is aiso posslbre to reduce spaoa, whlle conservlng the same sborage capaclty because COMPATTA saves 늻ver 40*a of floor surface that can then be put t other uses. Installabon of thLs System aJlows you ta save un ail fronts; nioney Invesbed In...
Katalog auf Seite 3 öffnenMobile base units Die Fahrwagen Hareketli $asi4er lij»iJJJHjlIt Mobile base unlts alrotf movement of the rarJung and are chosen accordlng to the stze and welght of the stored matedal. Each wheel of the unit can carry between 3500 kg [LE model) and J2Q0D kg (MT4 model). Ey increaslng load capaclty/j the number at wheets and spans, a base unit u' u p to 70 mtres in lenglh can e a觧hieyed ithltfi can bld 10DD tonnes; or stock. Fc* most Installations, movement is acoieved eFectro-rneehanicallv, thoujn. for artlBLl ivanthou积t* the bejt option i» «metanes the hencfwheel version. The moWle r«klng...
Katalog auf Seite 4 öffnenH a ils Die Se nie rien Raylar J .j*jHi Each storage System Is, oulded by at least two guide rails and one m mcrf* funner* wtikh vary In jiw aCMncTing te the 1oad the bas* unlCS must Cflrry, If Instnlled durinfl Consfinjction of a premise*> thty cfln b*dirertly onto the concrte floor befrr the Industriel Flooring I5 laid. In axlstlng structures they can either be Inserbed Intr; thannets eut Into the fIddt or altematlvely placed dlrectty on top af the ftoorj m whtch case the surroundlng floor wlU need to be rateed up.. In both cases the final result Ls rails perfeedy Rush with the Nacv...
Katalog auf Seite 6 öffnenRacklng Oie Regalanlage. Raf Siteml uiji北J**hJiW Any type at racfcEng can be mounted ࣻn iCAh mobile base unlls mafcfng CHPATTA Id۩al for the storaoe of any type af m alerta rrom racklng for pallets, containers and spoots, to cantilever racklng Tt long lengths or sneet steel or even multiple shelves for odds and ends at loose material. StackaWe bina can also be mounted directly onto the bas* u«its. In addition enijting racklng can be re-used converting standard fixed racklng fnto campactabk waTehouse storag*, COMPATTA erm䯻ghchi die Elnlagerung van betlebloem Lagergui, d* atif den...
Katalog auf Seite 8 öffnenStructure of the raeklng System SLruktur des Regalystems Raf SbstemlrHn Vapiai j^u^s^^s^ 9
Katalog auf Seite 10 öffnenWa^ehouse management Dec Lanjerverwaltunn Depo Vonetimi ij-JlijUI Movcmcnt o* thff comparable nscUng is dinected ftum tw marn condral panel, but al&o by smafler contrai panels on the end secUon of each mobNe base unit. Remot-e cdntnote tan ba used (ram a distance te ௹pen alsles and thensfare elknlnabs waitlng limei. In addition hareode readers artd handheld computers mesn het rt«k can be updated in nul time nmpnryinG warehouse Ole Handhdbung dcT Vorscfcbcnegale crfolgt durch Knﹴpfe «uf der Hauptschalttorel und auf dm ernzclncn Bpdienunnsjulten ledes Fehrrtaoens. Ihn Wartezeltan m kurzen,...
Katalog auf Seite 13 öffnenEpetal uses Besfljndere A n w en du 11 gen 甯*l Uyguldniatar ^liiij. CQMPATTA rs tho idcal warehouse scrfutlon In controlled temprature Bnvrronnmts. (up to - 4鯛^C), The Increased stofge capaclty It offers has positive reperarestons on btfi Ehe flnanoal Investment fur the cold room and the savlngs ta be made n ededUTclty. Spcial warehouse unILs bave even oeen oneated for the storage at Ctpl鮻sJrt or hlghly flammafcle maberiat, In addition, each C0MPATTA system ean be «luippad ■nith »me funtiortfll options thfft mske it even better- The HeUw syttem pis» Ihe r.mk nrj at tduldlGbrtt interdis...
Katalog auf Seite 14 öffnenm. m .liment viHvnma COMPATTA i nianaoud by a Iw-ilet dediciled soltrthre pnckage, vrindt 11 compatible wrth the r*n»ofl "dO^'i plbb뇮dttti, The standard option, Quinkiy, carrtes out tu* mollement or pal las and their InserUon Info or rernave rram the tnjcfcirto. system. Tlie seoand verakin, IcamCun=f(Jer mj^gn thn 1CAM ackina Systems mors conwrehBrcheJy thnougn me ^aLiiMi. <iert rt*m certes end the dogulwcian nT bnroadei. Il wn at» memgric and rutetc stock (ftspactlna powWe fifO antf UFO pickJng pollcles}. TTie mapplno. nf stock positkw* end the printirtj or Item atolio ern* hnndluig...
Katalog auf Seite 16 öffnenH24 REMOTECHECK-UP Every 1CAH mobile racklng System te mstailed as standard wlth the H2A self-diagnostic remote-controlled service, vrtilch ronstantly checks a sries of funtdonlng paramtres and, tn case of breafcdown or exceedrng warning levete, Bnks the storage System dlrectly ta our service centre at I騇AM. In thls way H24 is able to guarantee Immedtate assistance, speed in spotting the causes of mairunctton and the posshlHty al rohMMing «ngmalle»- Jede tCAM-verecWeberegalanLage et standurdmafllg mit dem Seitestdagnose-Teteservice H24 ausgeslattet. Disses System fierpruft rortiwahrend elne...
Katalog auf Seite 17 öffnenThe advantage& AvantojCar iMjUvjJ*j»JI Double ttia capacrty - by pllmmadno almost ali thc absle epace, COMPATTA offert noidy double thc capaelty of traditlonal racklng and avolds the need ta croate new warehouse buildings Adaptable to anf racldng - COMPATTA can be used wlth any type af ratklngr even pre^exlstlng Maximum selecttvlty - thanks to the possibilit af belng able ta access any Hem, It 11 eaay ta manage the stack accbrdlng any plcfclng procdure (FIFO, 4JFO etc) Ekpbui驻h aur tinte - by th addiLi穻n or ruriher moblEe base» et'» ftfisily possible to marge e*istlng jtor&ge Systems rrtrgy...
Katalog auf Seite 18 öffnen"iS*,.enken.^ herg, l5tem,e ^gulanablF.r Tm Rat Sistamlerln* UygulanabJUr - t^*T«i*tnimka^ her Wr topfama prostnr鹻ne uvgun (FIFO, UFO. wb) stok y**11"11 Maximum Seldllk - ^^^\">?^^ stok oroanlnreyDnu ve karrtroJu son ocrra baslt haie ge&mmlstlr j>J.j*jl/Jiki^^jLjiJijijl^_lll>^j*Ji, JjnJljiJ^iJfiilj^^^i^llii癉 Jlji] : ^uiVi 18
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