
The MO-180 is an SFN/MFN DVB-T/H modulator fully compliant with the DVB-T/H specifications ETSI EN 300 744 v1.5.1 (including annex Freferring to DVB-H), ETSI TS 101191 v1.4.1 (SFN synchronisation) and ETSI EN 300 468 v1.6.1 (DVB-SI). The unit is contained in anstandard 19 1U chassis.The modulator has two DVB-ASITransport Stream (TS) inputs and one DVB-SPI TS input. It also has a 1 pps and a 10 MHz input which, together with the MIP packet embed-ded in the transport stream, are usedfor SFN synchronisation purposes. A loop-through 10 MHz output is available as well.In MFNs we can operate the modu-lator in master and slave modes. Inslave mode the modulator is locked to the incoming TS data rate, which is defined in document ETSI EN 300744 for each choice of DVB-T/Htransmission parameters. In master mode the modulator is locked to either the internal 10 MHz TCXO or to an external 10 MHz reference. The input bit rate has to be strictlysmaller than the value given in theDVB-T/H specification. The sync with the external 10 MHz reference can be used to make the modulator lock to the input TS rate, and vice versa. This means thatdisruptions to the output IF/RFCOFDM signals are minimised. Periodic or aperiodic MIP packets are constantly monitored so as todynamically adjust the delay of themodulator. In non-hierarchical transmissions the modulator seam- lessly switches between ASI inputs when it detects a sync loss on thecurrently selected TS input. An addi-tional test TS can be generated internally. This allows to generate compliant. DVB-T/H signals even in the absence of a valid TS input. The channel bandwidth can be set to 5, 6, 7 and 8 MHz with no variation in performance. The DVB-T/H signal is output in both IF (36 MHz, 0 dBm)and RF (45 MHz to 875 MHz, at-27 dBm with the option of going up to 6 dBm) with a resolution of 1 Hz. The polarity of the spectrum may be set to normal or inverted. The MO-180 supports 2k, 4k and 8kmodes and non-hierarchical and hie- rarchical transmissions. Several test modes are available (blanking of carriers, single tone output, test TSgeneration, CBER and VBER injec-tion). The MER typically measured in IF is above 41 dB. In RF we measure MERs greater than 35 dB. MO-180 drops or inserts NULL TS packets as required to adapt the bit rate to therequired value. PCR re-stamping is implemented tominimise the impact of the bit rate adaptation process on the timing jitter of the MPEG-2 TS multiplex.In SFN mode, the modulator can besynchronised with the external 10MHz GPS reference or with the incoming TS data rate. A loss of > Transport streams coming from satellite receivers (QPSK) contain normally a high number of services and have too high bit rate to be connected to aCOFDM modulator directly. MO-180 dedicatedmenu. The selected services are filtered and will not be modulated. MO-180 has a PID FILTERING function. This allows to enter a high speedtransport stream, coming from a satellite receiver for instance, to the modulator ASI input at once. It is possible then to select a certain number of services from the original transport stream by entering their PIDԒs on the > BROADCAST 2007 size="-1">
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tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:8.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:15.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:25.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:42.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:21.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } A.promax 12 DVB-T/H BROADCASTING MO-180 DVB-T/H Modulator for SFN & MFN Broadcasting SPECIFICATIONS MO-180 HP & LP code rates In-depth DVB-H symbol interleavers Constellations Hierarchical modes SFN and MFN operation...
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