RM-204 PkWatch
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1 Introduction The PKWatch program is a MS ACCESS generated data base intended formonitoring and massive data logging applications using a PROLINK-4 as asignal measuring instrument. It is very useful for long term permanent monitoring purposes in TV, radio,satellite or cable TV environments. The program commands a PROLINK-4 following a measurement sequencepreviously selected by the user in a dedicated menu. All measurementsavailable in the PROLINK-4 (signal level, video/audio ratio, carrier/noise ratio, digital channel power, Bit Error Rate) are also available through the PKWatch...

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RM-204 PkWatch - 3

2 Channel configuration This menu allows the user to define a monitoring sequence including channel or frequency to be tested, measurement to be made and pass fail limits to beapplied. All these data together form a test point. Every test point must contain following information:Digital. One of the first things to do if the test point refers to a TV channel is to determine whether it is digital or analogue. This is important since some of the functions will act accordingly. For example if the frequency is recalled using the label foldable list the tuning frequency will be the centre of the...

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3 Monitor menu The monitor menu is the main application screen of the PKWatch monitoringsoftware. It is made of four different areas: 3.1 Current testIt shows the data of the test being carried out by thePROLINK-4in every moment. The program tunes thePROLINK-4 to the frequency and measurement previously selected under the channel configuration menu. The result of the measurement is then compared with the acceptance limits. If it is valid then the test result will be PASS and will be FAIL otherwise. > PKWatch5/1409/04/a size="-1">

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4 SMS configuration One of the most outstanding features of the PKWatch monitoring system is the capability to send messages through the GSM network including informationabout the measurement failures that may occur.The system includes a GSM modem which needs to be properly configured to be able to send SUCH SMS messages. The SMS CONFIGURATION menuhelps to go through all this process easily. 4.1 Normal operation set upThis section contains the most important and basic functions to permit normal SMS message operation in the PKWatch. The GSM modem installed in the PKWatch system must contain...

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4.2 Advanced operation set upThe first function available in the advanced operation section is to test theoperation of the SMS message service once the modem has been logged to the network. This is made by manually sending a trial message. To do that justwrite the desired text in the Test messageӔ window and click on the Send SMS The AT commands are a standard set of commands that are used by GSMdevices such as GSM modems. The GSM modem in the PKWatch system iscompatible with GSM aөsfojasdf AT commands (see Annex A).AT commands can be used to enter PUK numbers, check network status,change...

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