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Alle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von Queclink
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GV65 Plus
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GV50CNA-LTE CAT1 compact GNss tracker for BHPH application
1 Seiten
GV501LG-LTE Cat 4 easy install OBD router with WiFi AP mode, specially designed for insurance, car leasingand real-time monitoring applications
1 Seiten
GV500MA-LTE Cat Ml/NBl plug-in vehicle tracker designed for car and light truck tracking, breakdown assistancedealer lot management and new driver monitoring
1 Seiten
GV355CEU-All-purpose LTE Cat 1 telematics terminal with cAN and dlgital tachograph data reading
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GV350MG-LTE Cat Ml/NBl advanced vehicle tracker supporting BLE for wide variety of external peripherals andl/0 options
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GV310LAU-LTE Cat 4 GNss tracker supporting BLE 5.2 with multiple interfaces
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GV305CEU-Versatlle LTE Vehicle Tracker with BLE and Multiple interfaces
1 Seiten
GV300-Compact GNSS trackers with multiple interfaces suitable for a wide range of vehicles
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GV75-Waterproof GPS trackers ideal for watercraft, water sports and motorcycle applications
1 Seiten
GV58LAU-LTE Cat 4 mini GNss tracker supporting BLE 5.2 with multiple interfaces suitable for awide range of vehicles
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GV58CEU-Cost effective mini GNss tracker
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GV55-Cost effective mini telematics devices for vehicle security and light duty applications
1 Seiten
GMT200-Compact water resistant tracker with low current drain, designed for motorcycle and marineapplications
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GL521MG-LTE Cat M1/NB2 waterproof GNss tracker supporting BLE 5.2 with up to 1 yearstandby time
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GL520MG-LTE Cat Ml/NB2 waterproof GNSS trackers with up to 7 years standby time
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GL502MG-LTE Cat M1/NB2 IP68 ruggedized GNss tracker with up to 10 years standby time
1 Seiten
GL300W-Water resistant tracker with a user friendly panic button for personal safety management and assetmonitoring applications
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GL53MG PlUS-LTE Cat M1/NB2 waterproof asset GNss tracker supporting BLE 5.2 with up to 4- yearstandby time
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GL52SP-sigfox mini standby asset tracker with built-in BLE
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GL52S-Sigfox micro standby asset tracker with built-in BLE
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GB130MG-LTE Cat M1/NB2 waterproof battery-mounted insurance telematics device allowingcustomer self-fit and lower cost installation
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CV100LG-Telematics Dual-Lens LTE Cat 4 Dash Camera
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WR201LEU-Hiah performance and secure dual SIM LTE CPE with l/Os, RS232 and Rs485 forvarious industrial use scenarios
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WR100LEU-Compact and secure dual-SIM LTE CPE with RS485 or RS232 for variousindustrial use scenarios
1 Seiten
GV75LAU-LTE Cat 4/3G/2G rechargeable waterproof tracking devlce supporting BLE 5.2
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GV57MG PLUS-LTE cat M1/NB2 waterproof GNss tracker for equlpment monltoring
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GB100CG-LTE CAT1 Battery Mounted Tracker for UBl/insurance Telematics
1 Seiten
WR100LNA -Compact and secure dual-SlM LTE CPE WIth RS485 or RS232 for varlous industrlal usescenarlos
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WR210LG-Dual-SlM LTE CPE for Extended Industrial Functionality
3 Seiten
WR201LG-High performance and secure dual SlM LTE & Wi-Fi router with GNss, 1/Os, RS232 and Rs485for various industrial use scenarios.
2 Seiten
WR201LEU-High performance and secure dual SlM LTE & Wi-Fi router with l/Os, Rs232 and Rs485for various industrial use scenarios.
2 Seiten
GV600WG-Rechargeable waterproof tracking devicesupporting BLE 4.2 with 120 days standby timedesigned for trailer,tanker and flatbed truckapplications
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GV501LG-LTE Cat 4 easy install OBD tracker with WiFi AP modespeciallydesigned forinsurance , car leasingand real -timemonitoringapplications
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GV355CEU-All-purpose LTE Cat 1 telematics terminal with CANand tachograph data reading
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GV310LAU-LTE Cat 4 GNss tracker supporting BLE 5.2 withmultiple interfaces
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GV305CEU-Versatile LTE Vehicle Tracker with BLE and MultipleInterfaces
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GV300-GV300W-Compact GNSS trackers with multiple interfaces suitablefor a wide range of vehicles
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GV75-Waterproof GPS trackersideal for watercraft,water sports and motorcycle applications
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GV75-GV75W-Waterproof GPS trackersideal for watercraft,water sports and motorcycle applications
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GV58LAU-LTE Cat 4 Mini GNss Tracker
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GV58CEU-Cost effective mini GNss tracker
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GV55-Mini telematics devices for vehicle security andlight duty applications
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GV55-GV55W-Cost effective mini telematics devices for vehiclesecurity and light duty applications
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GMT200-Compact water resistant tracker with low current drain,designed for motorcycle and marine applications
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GL521MG-LTE Cat M1/NB2 waterproof GNss trackersupporting BLE 5.2 with up to 1 year standby time
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GL502MG-LTE Cat M1/NB2 IP68 ruggedized GNss tracker withup to 10 years standby time
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GL300W-Water resistant tracker with a user friendly panic buttonfor personal safety management and asset monitoringapplications
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WR300FG-High performance and secure dual SlM 5G & Wl-Fl 6 router with GNsS, RS232 and R5485for various industrlal use scenarlos
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GL53MG Plus-LTE Cat M1/NB2 waterproof standby asset GNsstracker supporting BLE 5.2 with up to 4-yearstandby time
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GL52SP-Sigfox mini standby asset tracker with built-in BLE
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GL52S-Sigfox micro standby asset tracker with built-in BLE
2 Seiten
WR10OLNA-Compact and secure dual-SIM LTE CPE with RS485 or RS232 for various industrial usescenarios
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WR100LEU-Compact and secure dual-SlM LTE CPE with RS485 or RS232 for various industrial usescenarios
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GV850-4G High Performance Linux-Based Telematics Gateway with CANBus and Tachograph Data
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GV57MG Plus-LTE Cat M1/NB2 waterproof GNss tracker forequipment monitoring
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GV50CNA-LTE Cat 1 compact GNss tracker for BHPHapplication
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GB100CG-LTE CAT 1 Battery Mounted Tracker for UBl/insuranceTelematics
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CV100LG-Telematics Dual-Lens LTE Cat 4 Dash Camera
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GV851 series-4G High Performance Linux-Based Telematics Gateway with Open CAN
3 Seiten
CV200XEU/XNA - Intelligent 4G Dash Camera with Full Featured Telematics
5 Seiten
GL530MG - LTE Cat M1/NB2 waterproof GNSS tracker
3 Seiten
GL33 - RF433 Box-Disguised Rechargeable Tracker
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GL33CG - LTE CAT1/2G RF433 Box-Disguised Rechargeable Tracker
2 Seiten
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Kabelloses Gateway
Smartes Kamera-System
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