Gruppe: Safi Group srl


MONTACARICHI ANTIDEFLAGRANTE North Ireland Explosion-proof transport platform & hoist Monte-charges antidéflagrants atex Explosionsgeschützte ATEX-Lastenaufzüge Montacargas antideflagrantes atex North America ITA: Tutti i nostri montacarichi ATEX rispettano tutte le normative europee legate ai prodotti antideflagranti, e sono adatti a tutte le zone soggette a rischio: Zona 0, Zona 1 e Zona 2 | EN: All our ATEX hoist and transport platforms comply with all European regulations related to explosion-proof products, and are suitable for all areas subject to risk: Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 | FR: Tous nos monte-charges ATEX sont conformes à toutes les réglementations européennes relatives aux produits antidéflagrants, et sont adaptés à toutes les zones à risques : Zone 0, Zone 1 et Zone 2 | DE: Alle unsere ATEX-Lastenaufzüge entsprechen allen europäischen Vorschriften für explosionsgeschützte Produkte und sind für alle gefährdeten Bereiche geeignet: Zone 0, Zone 1 und Zone 2 | ESP: Todos nuestros montacargas ATEX cumplen con todas las normativas europeas relativas a productos antideflagrantes, y son aptos para todas las áreas sujetas a riesgo: Zona 0, Zona 1 y Zona
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VISION MC/PC ATEX Traliccio piatto - Flat mast - Mât plat Traliccio quadrato - Square mast - Mât carré Kg = 135 EN: SAFI GROUP S.r.l. has a wide range of products, created to meet all needs, from the standard ones to the more particular ones that require products designed and made to measure. For example, our ATEX models which comply with all European regulations regarding explosion-proof ATEX machinery, and are suitable for installation in all areas subject to possible risk, classified as Zone 0, Zone 1 or Zone 2. FR: SAFI GROUP S.r.l. dispose d’une large gamme de produits, créés pour...
Katalog auf Seite 2 öffnenAlle Kataloge und technischen Broschüren von Safi Group srl
2 Seiten
construction elevators 750 kg
2 Seiten
SCJ 15
2 Seiten
construction elevators 1500 kg
2 Seiten
construction elevators 2000 kg
2 Seiten
2 Seiten
construction elevators 1000 kg
2 Seiten
General Catalogue
6 Seiten